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Maha joined HUNT Mortgage in 2019. Before taking the opportunity to join the HUNT family, Maha’s career started in the banking industry in commercial treasury. This is where she quickly gained her reputation for her impeccable white glove service and client first mentality. Maha is committed to taking the time to listen, educate and help her clients in attaining their mortgage needs.
As the MC for the HUNT West Seneca and Williamsville/Clarence branches, she is thrilled to bring her knowledge to help and educate her clients and assist agents through the mortgage process. Her natural inclination is to provide guidance to others, and being in this rewarding industry allows Maha to do this every day, all while helping clients attain their dream homes.
The scoop on Maha: In addition to having a bachelor’s degree in biology, Maha also has an MBA in finance. In her spare time, Maha spends time with her three beautiful children, and also makes time to volunteer for the American Cancer Society as well as organizations that focus on women in need. Maha is actually in the midst of creating her own women’s group where she will focus on empowering other women and lifting ones that are in need or struggling. She is also dedicated to health, fitness and mind health.
Customer service always comes first at HUNT Mortgage. From application to closing, we maintain speed, accuracy, clear communication and constant innovation to successfully guide you throughout your homebuying journey. We’ll help you make the best possible financial decision for your unique needs. As your committed partners, our team strives to provide you with the highest quality mortgage experience.